Sales from the Road 07-29

Isaac Carrion
Software development and service companies rely on the feedback of their customers to make critical decisions about features, benefits, and support. In this series, we ask Drake’s professional sales team to comment on their experiences interacting with customers while on the road.
These are the comments of Isaac Carrion, a Sales and Systems Consultant with the company since 2001.
“The tax preparers I work with are concerned first with the growing complexity of the tax laws,” says Carrion. “Federal, state and local tax laws require much more extensive training, and our customers are looking to Drake to provide the training to meet their needs. Price is a secondary consideration, but still very important.”
Isaac has worked at Drake Software since 1999, joining the company from then until 2001 in Customer Support before training in his current position as a Sales & Systems Consultant. He spends a great deal of time traveling nationally with the sales team, and is a seasoned presenter at software seminars and trade shows. With a background in customer support, he brings with him a deep understanding of the issues his clients face.
“So far this year, I have conducted seminars from California to Florida and New England, along with CPA tax and accounting forums nationwide,” Carrion says. “The preparers I talk to have generally had a good tax season this year, but are looking for more support and better pricing. The questions coming in are about what is included, conversion, training and support.”
“Price is always the starting point of the conversation. At that point the prospect wants to know what value they will be receiving. They want to know how difficult the conversion of data will be, as well as what is and isn't converted over,” he says.
Carrion spends much of his time on the road, because that is where his customers are.
“Travel is a little disruptive, both to your personal life and to your ability to keep in touch with existing customers,” he says. “I don’t enjoy a crowded travel schedule, but shows are a good way to interact with potential clients and offer them in-depth solutions for taking care of their tax needs for a good value. I enjoy seminars that allow me to show prospects features and how user-friendly the program is.”
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