Tax Fraud and Scams Online and Offshore: The IRS Dirty Dozen, Part 2

Tax Fraud and Scams Online and Offshore: The IRS Dirty Dozen, Part 2

In this second installment of our overview of the 2024 Dirty Dozen, we look at the stern warnings issued by the IRS regarding scammers who promote schemes designed to evade taxes, scams targeting the wealthy, and dubious social media advice. Continue reading to help prepare your practice against tax scams and schemes.…

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IRS Disaster Relief

IRS Disaster Relief

The IRS issues relief packages to areas that recently experienced natural disasters or events designated as disasters by the United States government. This blog post provides extension details and provides information on IRS legislature about filing tax returns in the wake of extreme weather or disaster incidents. Bookmark this post for updates!…

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IRS Unveils 2024 Nationwide Tax Forum Agenda with 45 Seminars

IRS Unveils 2024 Nationwide Tax Forum Agenda with 45 Seminars

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced the agenda for the 2024 Nationwide Tax Forum, which will feature 45 seminars aimed at enhancing the skills of tax professionals. This year's forum, which includes contributions from the IRS and leading tax associations, will cover a broad spectrum of topics designed to help tax professionals better serve their clients. Continue reading for more information on this topic.…

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Victims of ERC Fraud Can Use Voluntary Disclosure Program Through March 22

Victims of ERC Fraud Can Use Voluntary Disclosure Program Through March 22

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC), initially introduced as part of the CARES Act in 2020 and extended through subsequent legislation, aims to provide financial relief to businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, claiming this credit requires adherence to specific criteria outlined by the IRS. In light of this, the IRS has issued a reminder urging businesses to review their qualifications for the ERC diligently. Read the rest of our latest blog post to find out more on this topic.…

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Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) Income for College Athletes [DOWNLOAD]

Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) Income for College Athletes [DOWNLOAD]

Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) income, or income gained from personal brand influence, has opened opportunities for student-athletes in college athletics. With the additional income stream comes new tax implications, however, that many student-athletes have not previously encountered. Read the new blog entry to discover what this means for tax preparers and college sports.…

Read more about Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) Income for College Athletes [DOWNLOAD]