Preparer Fees and Returns Prepared Increased In 2014

Source: 2014 NATP Tax Professional Fee Survey
The National Association of Tax Professionals has released its survey of the number of tax returns prepared in 2014 and the average fees charged for those returns.
Tax preparers charged an average of $142 for a 1040 return and an average of $566 for an 1120 business return, with some 43 per reporting an increase in volume over the past two years.
Almost half (43%) said they prepared an increasing number of returns over the past two years; a similar percentage (46%) saw their return workload remain about the same over the past two years.
Source: 2014 NATP Tax Professional Fee Survey
More than half the preparers surveyed (56%) request payment when the return is completed but before filing. Among other findings:
Source: 2014 NATP Tax Professional Fee Survey