NATP Annual Software Survey Results

Drake Tax Highest in Overall Satisfaction
The NATP recently released the results to their annual tax software survey—giving 1,324 participating tax professionals a chance to rate their current tax preparation package. Categories range from overall satisfaction with the product to whether respondents intend to use the same software next tax season. As in years past, Drake Software had a strong showing.
Respondents rated Drake Tax higher than other tax prep packages for Customer Service, Technical Support, Federal Tax Law Changes/Updates, State Tax Law Changes/Updates, Research Service, Reliability, and Overall Satisfaction. Drake Tax tied for highest rated software in the following categories: Ease of Software Installation, Ease of Working with Software, and Ease of e-Filing.
When asked if they would use the same tax prep software next tax season, the Drake customer response was similar to last year’s results: 96%—more than any other tax software—said they would use Drake Tax again, a trend that seems to suggest that tax professionals who switch to Drake stay with Drake.