Drake Update Schools: Ideas That Work

Drake Update Schools: Ideas That Work
It’s been an active year of change for tax preparers, with a new voluntary certification program for tax preparers, the effects of the Affordable Care Act, and substantial other changes to tax laws. To keep pace with these changes, Drake Software recommends that you attend one of our annual update schools.
In addition to the recent IRS updates and changes in tax laws that affect taxpayers and your practice, we will preview the new features and enhancements made to Drake Software 2014. Prepare for the upcoming filing season, develop your knowledge of Drake Software, and share information and ideas with fellow preparers during this one-day event.
Register by September 30 to receive the discounted price of $149 per person. On or after October 1, pay the regular price of $169 per person.
Drake offers additional dealer-hosted schools in several other states. (AR, IL, IA, KS, KY, MN, MO, NE, OH, OK, TN, WI) Details and fees for dealer-hosted schools vary.
Find out more. Visit the Update School Registration page on Support.DrakeSoftware.com.
For more information, contact Drake’s Education Department at 828.524.8020, or email us at Schools@DrakeSoftware.com.
Choose from the following 2014 Update School locations:
Orlando, FL November 6
Indianapolis, IN November 10
Baltimore, MD November 17
Dallas, TX November 21
Concord, NC December 2
Franklin, NC December 5
Franklin, NC December 8
Franklin, NC December 9
Las Vegas, NV December 16
Source: Drake Software at support.drakesoftware.com