Appreciation Tactics

Appreciation Tactics
Research shows that employees who feel appreciated are more productive and loyal. That’s easy to understand. However, some employers don’t see it that way. Many feel a paycheck is thanks enough. If you want a cheerful work environment and employees, it may take no more than a small gesture of gratitude. The easiest way to show appreciation? Two simple words - thank you.
As simple as that sounds, many employers fail to say it on a regular basis. It’s easy to offer an “attaboy” when the occasion arises. Send an email to your entire staff pinpointing actions that deserve special recognition. Or start a kudos board in your office. If you would rather show your appreciation with a small gift, take note of things you may hear around the water cooler. Does someone enjoy reading? Give them a gift card to the local bookstore. Do they like sports? Buy tickets to the next game. Consider developing an incentive program. Offer an end-of-year bonus based on attendance and/or longevity. Reward them with a pre-determined amount or a percentage of each employee’s salary. Either way, they’ll be excited to have a little extra cash and money is a great motivator.
It can be a little overwhelming to remember to show gratitude. There are several things you can do to show your appreciation. For example, when an employee has a birthday, have the local deli cater lunch. Let your staff leave early one Friday each month. Bring doughnuts in for breakfast every other Monday. Or, celebrate the end of each quarter with a team-building activity outside the office. It will give your employees something to look forward to, and not require a lot of extra effort on your part.
Everyone wants to feel appreciated, just as everyone wants a staff with good attitudes and common goals. Take some time to extend a simple “Thank You” to your employees. You may be surprised at the difference it will make.
Kenya Hoffart, Industry Writer