Accountants can be beautiful

Miss USA: Accountants can be beautiful
In one fell swoop, a beautiful bombshell knocked some wind out of two long-held stereotypes. The new Miss USA is an accountant. That's right, Erin Brady of East Hampton, Connecticut, works as a financial accountant at Prudential Retirement in Hartford. Or at least she did until a few days ago when she was crowned Miss USA.
Brady showed the world beauty and brains are not mutually exclusive. She also showed them what we in the world of number crunchers knew all along . . . accountants come in all shapes and sizes. They aren't all pale. They don't all wear dark suits, sensible shoes, and pocket protectors. The women don't all pull their hair back into buns, à la Marian the Librarian. And some – usually the females – just might put on high heels, glittery gowns with plunging necklines, and let down their long manes of silky hair.
And the stereotypes come crashing down
Not exactly the picture America has of a trusted financial adviser, but that is Miss USA, twenty-five-year old Erin Brady. She majored in finance at Central Connecticut State University. In a pre-pageant question from the media she said her favorite subject in high school was math, not cheerleading 101.
By Teresa Ambord
Source: AccountingWeb.Com